Saturday, November 2, 2019

Famous people I've met and/or worked with (a list)

  • Will Vinton (Claymation film producer—worked for him 1977-1980)
  • Michael Phillips (producer of The Sting, Close Encounters, Taxi Driver, Cannery Row, etc.)
  • Saul Zaentz (producer of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Amadeus, The English Patient; Creedence Clearwater)
  • Dr. Lawrence Peter (author of The Peter Principle)
  • Joan Baez (interviewed her for my college paper, The Pioneer Log)
  • Alex Winitsky and Arlene Sellers (producers of Cuba, House Calls)
  • Buddy Rich
  • Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny, etc.)
  • Cliff Robertson (starred in Charly, narrated the Claymation film The Little Prince)
  • Matt Wuerker (Politico’s Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist)
  • Claudia Weill (director of Girlfriends, the movie)
  • Dallas McKennon (character and voice actor)
  • Robin Trower
  • Earl Newman (artist)
  • Bindy Irwin (daughter of "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin Terry Irwin, owner of the Australia Zoo)
  • Jean Auel (author of the Clan of the Cave Bear series)
  • Brian Bressler (comedian on Laugh In)
  • William Stafford (poet, my freshman year poetry teacher, winner of National Book Award)
  • Nick Bosustow, producer of Mr. Magoo and other cartoons
  • Tom Waits
  • Brian Willis (drummer for Quarterflash)
  • Colin Meloy (singer/songwriter for The Decemberists)
  • Susan Orlean (author of The Orchid Thief, Saturday Night, etc.)
  • Joan Gratz (former colleague at WVP, Academy Award-winning creator of “clay painting”)
  • Fred Child (host of NPR’s Performance Today, and former bandmate with Neal Gladstone & Friends)
  • Temple Grandin
  • Marshall Efron (host of PBS's The Great American Dream Machine)
  • Rick Spinrad (former Chief Scientist for NOAA; had dinner at his house)
  • John Byrne (former administrator of NOAA; posed with him for photo honoring revision of Trees to Know in Oregon, for which I served as editor and did the layout)
  • James Dillet Freeman (Unity Village author of the poem “I Am There” and The Case for Reincarnation)
  • Rose Naftalin (former owner of Rose’s Delicatessen, author of Grandma Rose’s Sinfully Delicious Desserts cookbook)
  • Mike Ryerson (photographer/creator of the “Expose yourself to art” poster, and editor of The Northwest Neighbor newspaper, for which I wrote freelance articles)
  • Walter Sear (pioneer in the use of synthesizers, especially Moog)
  • Sean McKean, who had his dreadlocks shaved off by Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder during a live performance (
  • Jim Goodwin, keyboardist for Uranus (a progressive rock band for which I played drums) and semi-famous for his work with Bono, Peter Gabriel, and soundtrack composing (, and for being the son of Judge Alfred Theodore Goodwin of the Ninth Circuit (famous for ruling that “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional)
  • Michele Mariana
  • Gary Ogan
  • Peter Sarsgaard (actor, met at Middlebury, VT, Co-op)
  • Maggie Gyllenhaal (actor, met at Middlebury, VT, Co-op))
  • Leroy Preston (drummer/singer/songwriter for Asleep at the Wheel; met in Middlebury, VT)

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