Friday, November 8, 2019

Article in The Lake Oswegan Magazine about my trip to the Academy Awards

I grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon, whose hometown newspaper, the Lake Oswego Review, occasionally included a supplement called The Lake Oswegan Magazine. In the winter of 1979, a Claymation film on which I had served as production manager, Rip Van Winkle, was nominated for an Academy Award. My trip to the Academy Awards was the cover story of the May 17, 1979, edition of The Lake Oswegan.

This photo was taken by the pool at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (site of the first Academy Awards, 1929), right before we all piled into a limo headed for the 1979 Academy Awards, where we would learn that "Special Delivery" had bested "Rip Van Winkle" for Best Animated Short. 

Left to right: Executive Producer Frank Moynihan (of Billy Budd Films, New York), his wife Annie, music composer/producer Bill Scream, animators Don Merkt and Joan Gratz, screenwriter (and Will's wife at the time) Susan Shadburne, Will, and 23-year-old me (in total shock and awe). Not in attendance: animator Barry Bruce and music composer Paul Jameson.

Will Vinton and his wife Susan Shadburne, just
prior to the Academy Awards ceremony.

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