Sunday, December 8, 2019

Michael Phillips, Will Vinton, and me

The stereotype of the arrogant, self-absorbed Hollywood producer is well deserved, if my experience with Michael Phillips is any indication. Phillips and his wife Julia produced The Sting, Taxi Driver, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, along with several other hit movies (and a few duds). I met him at his home in Hollywood during a weeklong trip Will Vinton and I took to Los Angeles to meet with potential investors for our planned Claymation feature film, Metamorphos Man. Phillips was one of several people I had contacted and managed to arrange meetings with during our visit.

Our conversation with Phillips was short. Will gave Phillips his nutshell speech about our plans for Metamorphos Man and our need for financial aid, and then paused to ask Phillips if he had any thoughts or questions. Phillips's reply: "I'm just interested in the state of the art. I'd seen some Claymation stuff and was just curious about it."

I looked at Will, wondering how he would respond to this apparent slight. His jaw didn't quite drop, but his mouth hung open for what seemed like an eternity before he was able to reply. "Well, I'm sorry if we've wasted your time, Mr. Phillips. We'll be on our way."

Phillips didn't even make an effort to smooth things over. He stood up, shook Will's hand, shook my hand, and said blankly, "Thanks for stopping by."

Will looked more dejected than I had ever seen him, but he still managed to keep his chin up. "Well, on to the next one, eh?" he said cheerfully, looking away from me.

I haven't been to a Michael Phillips film since.

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