Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Andy Borowitz and me

Between about 2004 and 2008, I had a political blog called Editor at Large. Among several celebrity connections I made through the blog was humorist Andy Borowitz, who at that time had a daily column called "The Borowitz Report," to which I subscribed via e-mail. A couple of times I spotted typos in his report and alerted him to them. Borowitz graciously responded, "You should be working here!"

Some time later, Borowitz used the word "miniscule," which I informed him should be spelled "minuscule." His reply: "With all due respect, it's acceptable to spell 'minuscule' either way."

Borowitz was correct, as it turned out, and I was mortified. I suspected that Andy Borowitz would never again engage with me in even the most miniscule way.

Now, of course, Borowitz is famous for his column in The New Yorker, which is not only funny as hell, but so far contains very few typos.

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