Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Eddie Vedder, Sean McKean, and us

Jules and I first met the dreadlocked and highly personable Sean McKean through our noontime Faculty-Staff Fitness yoga classes at Oregon State University (OSU). Later, Jules and Sean became friends, and he would often come to our house for a meal or to demonstrate his latest vaping device. One time he even helped me move a huge doghouse from our shed to the backyard (thanks, Sean!). For a couple of years, Sean co-taught yoga classes—dreadlocks flying between poses—with Jules at OSU's Dixon Recreation Center.

Sean often told us he was getting tired of his dreadlocks and wished he could muster the courage to have them cut off. One day, he did just that. The barber? Eddie Vedder, lead singer for Pearl Jam. Here's a video of how it all went down, so to speak:

Sean later offered us a lock of his shorn dreads, but we foolishly turned him down. It'll probably be worth thousands someday on Antiques Roadshow!

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