Thursday, May 25, 2023


 I posted this true story on Facebook on May 25, 2020.

Sometimes I can be such a mow-ron. Yesterday when I was about halfway through mowing the lawn, the mower died and wouldn't start again, no matter how much I cursed while pulling the cord. So I tried filling the tank all the way up with gas. No go. So I dug out the manual and checked the "Troubleshooting" section. "Go to BriggsAndStratton.con, or call 1-888-GET-LOST," it said, helpfully. So then I checked the warranty info: the engine had a two-year warranty, starting the day I purchased the mower. Which was May 23, 2018. Two years and one day ago. So then I tried cursing at the mower some more. Still no go. And then I noticed a little black plastic box attached with clips to the side of the engine. I popped it off, and inside was...the dirtiest air filter one could never hope to see. I took it out, vacuumed it with my portable Shop Vac, put it back in, pulled the cord, and...voila.

Happy Memowrial Day.

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