Monday, January 27, 2020

Ornella Muti, the Ovulation Method, Frank Fink, and me

Full disclosure: I never practiced the Ovulation Method with Italian actress Ornella Muti. I never even met her. In fact, I had never even heard of her, until she ordered 10 copies of a book I published called The Ovulation Method Handbook, back in 1988.

Further, I never would've known who Ornella Muti was, if not for my German housemate, Frank Fink, who spotted my box of books addressed to her and recognized the name.

"Ornella Muti?" he said. "The beautiful Italian actress? What are you sending her?"

"Italian actress?" I said. "I had no idea. She ordered some Ovulation Method books from me."

Frank looked at the address on the label. "A hotel in Chicago? What's she doing there?"

"I dunno," I said. "Maybe making an American movie?" (In retrospect, my guess might've been right: a movie starring Ornella Muti, Oscar, was shot in Chicago around that time.)

"Why does she need so many Ovulation Method books?" Frank asked.

"I dunno. Maybe they're for her and nine of her friends?"

"Wow," Frank said. "Every guy I know in Germany is in love with Ornella Muti."

"Want me to add a note to my box asking for an autographed photo?" I asked.

"Sure!" Frank said.

So I did. And Ornella Muti sent me an autographed photo, inscribed to Frank.

It made his day.

Ornella Muti in 2000. (Source:


  1. Rick, you were a cool history teacher in highland view middle school in 1987. Thank you and greetings from Israel :)

    1. Well, thank you very much! I'm trying to guess who you might be, but I'm drawing a blank. What's your name, and what are you doing in Israel?
